The 4th Annual
West Coast Salsa Congress
Article and
Photography by Eric E. González
de Oasissalsero.com) |

(Foto propiedad de ©www.worldsalsachampionships)
Unity Through Salsa”. What a beautiful concept! But, the question is,
Can this be accomplished? You bet! In fact, this is the slogan used by
Albert Torres Productions, who are truly, really making it possible.
This was evidenced once again in the Fourth Annual West Coast Salsa
Congress, which took place in the Hollywood Park and Casino, May 24-26,
in Los Angeles, California. Albert Torres proved that he has the magic
touch and that he is the number one salsa promoter in the world. And I
can positively testify to that, this being the third congress that I
attend. Success was the name of the game here, and I can’t possibly
stress it enough!
This is the second salsa congress that Albert produces without
the Bacardi sponsorship, and it seems that it was the right move
to do. If there is somebody that could do it, it was definitely
Albert Torres. He has done the same in Japan, Germany,
France, and other countries. He will also do them in Cuba and
Africa in the future. Albert Torres is without any doubt
salsa’s ambassador on planet earth. And, if he could do it in
the moon, you can bet whatever you value most that he will.
countries were represented in the Fourth West Coast Salsa Congress,
including The United Kingdom, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, France,
Sweden, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Lebanon, Israel, South Korea, Singapore,
Malaysia, Taiwan, China, Australia, and others. These countries’ best
dancers and dancing teams came all the way to the United States to show
that salsa is alive and well all over the world. And they are really
proud of their quality, as demonstrated in the dancing competition.
Some of the dancing teams whose art graced the congress were:
Dance Mix 2000, Descarga Rumbera Dance Co., Salsa Viva en
Sapporo, Sweethearts, Salsa Sunrize, Sin City Salseros, Fuerza
Gigante, Pawel and Dora, Salchevere, Rumba de Fuego, Salsa con
Funkshon, Sisters of Salsa, Salsa with Attitude, Yemaya Salsa
Dance Co., Francisco Vasquez and Los Rumberos, Paragons of Salsa
Magic, Salsa Locos, Los Hermanos, Son D’ Hawaii, to name just a
few. How do they come up with these names? Not even the new
salsa bands think of these things. |

striking aspect about the dancing teams in these salsa congresses is
that they take their work very, very seriously. Every single detail is
taken care of; there is no space for mediocrity. To these dancers,
their art is top secret, and the level of competition is incredibly
high. Not only the dancing techniques matter, but also the attire to be
used at their presentation. All of this is very exciting to witness.
In the end, it all pays off and the public gets one great show. If they
can’t see it at the stage, they can watch it through TV monitors that
are located throughout the event’s location. And it is a treat to look
at their faces when they are watching these competitions. You can see
that they are trying to learn, to absorb whatever they can from all
these dancers. It is quite an amazing experience.
But, for
this writer, there is something much more important, the defining factor
that makes it all possible: the music. And, like every year, there was
salsa music playing at all times during the event, either by a live band
or by a DJ.
May 24, the first official day of the Fourth Annual West Coast Salsa
Congress, was a special one, because we witnessed two great bands in
action. The first one to come onstage was the eagerly awaited “Manolito
y su Revolución Juvenil” from Puerto Rico. Led by 15 year old timbalero
Manolito Rodriguez, these fellows gave us a good show. Comprised
of young musicians — mostly teenagers — from La Escuela Superior Libre
de Música, this group has a great future in the hands of young Manolito,
who is also a great percussionist.
Can you
imagine a 15-year old kid conducting 16 musicians, including 3 singers,
percussion, bass, piano, two saxophones, one trombone and two trumpets?
Yep. That’s what we saw this day, and their repertoire included “Acereko”,
“Timbalero”, “Trucutú” and others. According to Manolito, the music
that they play is meant to preserve the classics, and they do it in a
magnificent way! In addition of performing with his own group, Manolito
was a guest percussionist for almost every single band that was
scheduled at the congress. Revolución Juvenil was followed by LA’s own
“Orquesta Son Mayor”, who generated a lot of electricity with
their infectious rhythms. They are one of the few non Cuban bands that
are trying to play timba, and they do it very well. It’s a show that
shall not be missed. Can’t wait for a CD from these guys!
[Poner "raton"
de esta foto
anchura distorcionada] |
[Chino Espinoza...
pelo teñido
anchura regular] |
final act was Colombia’s hottest band: La Sonora Carruseles. I
have been waiting to see these fellows again. After their performance
last year at the Sportsmen’s Lodge, I needed another dose of their
music. And these guys never disappoint! Under the direction of
percussionist Diego Galé, some of the tunes that they played that night
were “Para Ustedes”, Baile del Boogaloo”, “Arranca en Fa”, “Micaela”,
“De una vez Gozando”, “Mambo Batiri”, “Mosaico Boogaloo”, and “El Pito”.
This is one group that you don’t want to miss!
opening band for Saturday, May 25, was Freddie Crespo y su Mambo Review,
from Los Angeles, California. As its name indicates, the format of this
orchestra is big-band, and it will remind you of the glorious days of
the Palladium. Crespo is a great bandleader and his band is truly meant
to entertain and make you dance. It’s a matter of time before the rest
of the world enjoys his music.
José Alberto “El Canario” and his fabulous orchestra was the
closing act for Saturday and, as usual, he delivered like the
best. He has one of the most powerful bands around, with a
great, energetic sound. He is also a great showman that can win
any crowd. Plus, it is always good to see our beloved Fania All
Stars trumpet player Mr. Héctor “Bomberito” Zarzuela. At the
end, “El Canario” joined the conga player and performed a fiery
rumba. As mentioned earlier, Manolito Rodriguez was invited
onstage and jammed with the tumbadoras. What a show! Some of
the material that we enjoyed that night was “La Paella”,
“Discúlpeme señora”, “Chan Chan”, “Quiero salsa”, “Amada mía”,
“Baila que baila”, and “Fatimata” (sang in French!).
Sunday was
a monster! On this day, May 26, we were lucky enough to attend a
workshop at the LAX Hilton Hotel, featuring Oscar D’León and Ray de La
Paz, in which they briefly gave us details about their lives.
Unfortunately, Oscar couldn’t talk too long, because he needed a
well-deserved rest after his flight from San Francisco. He had to be in
top form for the presentation that night. I have seen Oscar’s show
before, and I was anxiously expecting this one, too. Boy, was I in for
a surprise!
The night
began with Johnny Polanco y su Conjunto Amistad, Albert Torres’ adopted
kids. This is a great band that makes Los Angeles proud. In fact, I
highly recommend ― like I have done before ― that you get a copy of
Polanco’s latest CD, “Pa’l Bailador”, which Torres also produced.
During their presentation, Polanco’s band played many hits from his CD.
It’s amazing to see this guy performing; in addition of blasting the
trombone, he also masters the vibes and the tres. A special moment was
to watch veteran Newyorican singer Ray de La Paz join the band. If you
are willing to remember, De La Paz claim to fame was with the late Louie
Ramirez and the great Ray Barretto. It was a privilege seeing him
performing. He is still a mayor force to be dealt with.

that I mentioned that Sunday was a monster? Here’s the reason: Oscar D’
León. This is an unstoppable force in the universe. Consider this: In
the two-hour plus that his band was onstage, they performed, non-stop,
“Llorarás”, “Bravo de verdad”, Sigue tu camino”, “Me voy pa’Cali”,
“Detalles”, “Anabacoa”, “La vida es un carnaval”, “Calculadora”, “Ven
morena”, “La Murga (de Panamá)”, “Cumbanchero”, “Parampapán”, “Oye como
va”, “Que bueno baila usted”, “La flor de la canela”, “Toro Mata”, “La
sitiera”, “Guantanamera”, “Yo quisiera”, “El Manicero”, “El Rey del
timbal”, and more. He played all these tunes at their entirety! No
potpourris here! Can anybody else in the business do this? The closest
that I have seen were Los Van Van, when they first came to Los Angeles
some years ago, and went on non-stop for 3 hours and 45 minutes. Oscar
D’León, definitely, is the best showman in the business. And his band is
tight, too, very well rehearsed. A funny moment, though, occurred when
Manolito Rodriguez went onstage as a guest timbalero. There was battle
of timbaleros, featuring Manolito, Rudy Regalado, and Oscar’s timbalero.
Manolito was so good that you could see Oscar instructing his guy to
wake up and don’t let the kid steal the show! Manolito did this every
single opportunity he was invited to participate as a guest with a
featured band. Some of the timbaleros politely stepped aside and didn’t
play the game. Good for them. But this night is one to remember. If
Oscar D’León is in your town, even if you spend your lunch money, go and
see him. He will give you your money back and more!
Oscar D’Leon’s presentation, it was only a couple of hours before the
congress was over. Albert Torres closes this event by making everybody
dance together, as a symbol of brotherhood and sisterhood, giving real
meaning to his motto of “creating unity through salsa”. This year was
no exception. As always, I will eagerly wait for next year’s congress.
I already know that it will also be a success. That’s a fact, folks.
Acknowledgements: It is my sincere pleasure to thank my friend and
mentor Albert Torres, his lovely wife, Maya, as well as their great
staff, for all they do for yours truly and his band of locos. They are
the best, period. My sincere thanks and love to my good friend, Cynthia
Semon, for her unconditional support of whatever I’m trying to do.

couldn’t find a better PR. My gratitude to my compañeros de batalla,
Bruce Brewer and Antonio “Kako” Nuñez, for being the best team that
there is. Kako came all the way from Panamá to Los Angeles just to
witness this event. I know that his dream came true. And so did ours.